• 雲端平台platform as a service saas    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 龍行雲端平台科技有限公司

      1. 集團新公司新部門2. 專供雲端平台系統3. 軟硬體整合TURN KEY SOLUTION4. 大陸惠州工廠製造,台灣內湖研發

      電話:02-26272168    地址:台北市內湖區洲子街88號5F地圖
    2. 優比線上股份有限公司

      ...月21日,座落於內湖科學園區的優比線上(股)公司Ubiweb Services Inc.,創國內之首例,以SaaS(Software as a service軟體即服務)為商業經營模式,引用雲端運算(Cloud Computing)觀念,從事商業智慧(Business Intelligence, BI)線上服務,以...

      電話:02-25335860    地址:台北市中山區大直街70號H棟6F(6021室)
    3. 香港商宜家貿易有限公司台灣辦事處

      ...90 million IKEA store visitors a year can buy them! As one of IKEA Trading Service Offices, we do this in co-operation with our Head Office in Sweden and other 30 Trading Service Offices around the world. Currently we are looking for the following talents who wish to grow, both as individuals and in...

      電話:02-25235966    地址:台北市中山區長安東路一段23號3樓
    4. 威晉科技有限公司

      ...革命性意涵,三年前,當你聽到「軟體就是服務(Software as a Service;SaaS)」這句話時,很可能並沒有非常深切的感受到其意義,心想軟體不就是上班時幫助我們工作的工具如此而已,而今天,隨著apple推出了iphone、google雲端服務的概念、facebo...

      電話:04-24367821    地址:台中市北屯區東山路一段192巷56弄18號
    5. 原點科技有限公司

      ...nded start-up focusing on location based service. We are building a search platform for mobile applications and web-applications. The platform is our strategic product and will enable the internal and external customers to build new location based service within few weeks. The are looking for talent...

      電話:02-27725339    地址:台北市大安區敦化南路一段245號11樓

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